Sunday, April 19, 2015

Wild Flowers - Our girls are growing up!

Now that some of our girls are getting older, we decided it was time to start looking into beginning a program for the middle school aged girls.  The Little Women Hospitality Program looked perfect, but we needed to make a few changes as we want it to spread through all 3 years for the girls.  We will be using the program but also coming up with things that we feel are important as well. 

We chose the name Wild Flowers from one of St. Therese's writings: 
"He set before me the book of nature; I understand how all the flowers He has created are beautiful, how the splendor of the rose and the whiteness of the Lily do not take away  the perfume of the violet or the delightful simplicity of the daisy. I understood that if all flowers wanted to be roses, nature would lose her springtime beauty, and the fields would no longer be decked out with little wild flowers. And so it is in the world of souls, Jesus' garden. He willed to create great souls comparable to lilies and roses, but He has created smaller ones and these must be content to be daisies or violets destined to give joy to God's glances when He looks down at His feet."  

The following information regarding Little Women Hospitality Program can be found here

What is Little Women Hospitality Program?
A Fun, Flexible, Faith-filled Catholic program for young women!

Little Women Hospitality Program is a Catholic program for girls ages 10 and up. This program teaches the virtue of hospitality through classic literature, spiritual insights, the Catholic faith, and hands-on experience. The girls earn charms for a bracelet or necklace as they learn new skills. A great follow-up and supplement to Little Flowers Girls' Club!

The Little Women Hospitality Program, developed by Ann Milligan Callaghan, is a two-year, Catholic girls', ten-month program that aims to teach young ladies the various aspects of hospitality. Each month, the girls learn a new skill or "charm" as up-and-coming hostesses, young women, and Catholic mothers.

The ten skills in:

Year I are as follows: cooking, cleaning, setting and clearing a table, manners and conversation, preparing a room for a guest, writing correspondence, bringing hospitality to others, sewing and dressing modestly, putting on a tea party, and running a book club.

Year II are: laundry, care for the elderly, personal cleanliness, tradition, art and beauty, interior decorating, public speaking, gardening, friendship, and hosting a picnic.

Using scripture, literature, skill practice and field trip suggestions, the program helps the girls become confident and gracious hostesses. It is filled with wonderful stories, heroes, saints, and practical skills that will enrich the lives of the girls as they learn to grow into women.

First Year Charms:

Earn one each month as you learn a new skill! Collect your “charms” on a chain bracelet or necklace. Each charm corresponds to a lesson and skill covered per month in the club meetings and manuals.

Individual Charms:Cookie Jar (Cooking) Button (Cleaning) Spoon (Setting and Clearing a Table) Circle of Friends (Table Manners and Conversation) Log Cabin (Preparing a Room for a Guest) Pencil (Writing Correspondence) Pineapple (Bringing Hospitality to Others) Sewing Machine (Sewing and Dressing Modestly) Teacup (Planning a Tea Party) Book (Running a Book Club)

Second Year Charms:

Earn one each month as you learn a new skill! Collect your “charms” on a chain bracelet or necklace. Each charm corresponds to a lesson and skill covered per month in the club meetings and manuals.

Individual Charms: Jeans (Laundry), Wheelchair (Care for Elderly), Hairbrush (Personal Cleanliness), Candy Cane (Tradition), Painter’s Pallet (Art and Beauty), Picture Frame (Interior Decorating), Drama Masks (Public Speaking), Watering Can (Gardening), Friendship Star (Friendship), Picnic Basket (Hosting a Picnic)

This is how we plan to spread it out over 3 years.

Year 1 Topics   
Year 2 Topics               
Year 3 Topics

Hospitality - Oct.
Hosting a Picnic - Oct.
Clean a Room
Sewing & Modesty - Nov.
Art and Beauty - Nov.
Set & Clear a Table
Laundry - Dec
Interior Decorating - Dec.
Epiphany Party
Epiphany Party - Jan
Epiphany Party - Jan.
Table Manners & Conversation
Care for Elderly - Feb
Public Speaking - Feb.
Preparing a Room for a Guest
Personal Cleanliness - Mar
Friendship - Mar.
Tradition - Apr
Gardening - Apr.
Plan & Prepare a Party- Tea Party
Plan & Prepare a Party- Tea Party - May
Plan & Prepare a Party- Tea Party - May
Book Club
Book Club - end May/ beg June
Book Club - end May/ beg June


Annual Fee   (pays for any supplies)                                                             $25
Student Manuals (each)                                                                                   $5.95
1st year: Bracelet with charms                                                                         $22.95
2nd year: 10 Charms Pack                                                                               $19.95

Year 1 Meeting Dates (2nd Mon. each month):
Sept. 21 (tentatively) - Informational Meeting (Little Flowers & Wild Flowers)
Oct- Jan 11 - Read Book for Book Club (Eight Cousins by Louisa May Alcott)
Oct. 12 (Columbus Day) - Cooking
Nov 9 - Clean a Room
Dec 14 - Set & Clear a Table
Jan 4* - Epiphany Party (combine with Little Flowers) Wild Flowers will help with crafts & games
Jan 11 - Book Discussion & Cookie Making
Sat., Feb 6 - Frost & Decorate Cookies with Little Flowers
Feb 8 - Table Manners & Conversation
March 14 - Preparing a Room for a Guest
April 11 - Correspondence
May 9 - Plan & Prepare a Party- Tea Party - Discuss & decide on menu/ favors/ place/ etc.
Fri., May 20 - Sleepover with Little Flowers
June 6* - Tea Party- Final Meeting (changed it to 1st Mon. in June because of summer starting)

* Note schedule change

We plan to start the program in the Fall and already have at least five girls who are planning to join.  We will also start advertising it in the bulletin in the coming weeks to give other families time to look into joining as well.  

I look forward to being able to write about our new adventures in the Fall.  Prayers would be appreciated.